Nuvo Solutions turned three today, and a lot has changed over the past three years!

When we started this organization, it was with the hopes that we could serve our customers and develop long standing relationships and have them become our fans…

We decided very early on that we should be an advocate for our employee’s success and that should carry over to our customers as well.

Above all else, it was a great opportunity to give back and make something great.

We have watched our company go from the humble beginnings inside our home with our “office” being the kitchen table, our bonus room the “conference room” and our driveway the “parking lot”.  Of course, now we have that beautiful office down on main street.

We have grown from zero employees to seven.  We have grown from three customers to one-hundred and seven.  We have traveled all over the country consulting, giving speeches and of course saving our customers thousands a year in spending and helping them maximize efficiencies.

All along the way, over these past three years, we have made some wonderful friends and have been extremely blessed.  So, cheers to each and every one of you that have had a part in this company and here is to many more years to come!